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RFID electronic authentication system debuts in Mongolia: Promoting integrated management of transportation information

The Ministry of Road and Transport Development of Mongolia announced that it will gradually implement an RFID electronic authentication system from November 1, 2023 to improve traffic management efficiency. The director of the department’s Automated Transport Policy and Supervision Department, Э.Мåнхнасан, revealed the implementation plan and related details of this innovative initiative when answering reporters’ questions at the press conference.

Director Э.Мåнхнасан said that the RFID electronic authentication system will be gradually launched in the central, Houhangai, Gobi and eastern regions. The plan is to start with transport vehicles at border crossings and then gradually expand to local vehicle testing centres. The goal of this technology is to establish a unified database of vehicle information, including all relevant information on taxes, insurance, technical inspections, fines, etc.

Currently, about 65% of vehicles have paid taxes and insurance, 60% have undergone technical inspections, and only about 20% have paid fines.

RFID technology will allow relevant government agencies to centrally view this information without involving any chips or locators. At specific radio frequency points, such as local toll stations, information such as whether the transportation vehicle has paid taxes, insurance, and completed technical inspections can be detected.

Responding to the question of whether citizens will be charged, the director of Э.Мåнхнасан stated that citizens will only need to bring certification documents for their means of transportation and will not be asked to pay taxes, insurance or fines. He called on citizens to actively participate and go to local vehicle testing centers for certification. The entire process is expected to take just one minute and is designed to encourage proactive cooperation from citizens.

Regarding the international application of RFID technology, Director Э.Мåнхнасан pointed out that since 1950, RFID technology has been widely used around the world, including in highly developed countries such as Singapore and Japan. From a cost-benefit perspective, this is a relatively economical technology. Research by international organizations shows that RFID is a cost-effective technology suitable for current road traffic conditions in Mongolia.


There are currently approximately 11.8 million registered vehicles in Mongolia, of which approximately 430 RFID reading devices have been installed in the capital. It is planned to install this equipment at 33 toll stations on 7,500 kilometers of roads across the country and international standards.

As of 2022, there are approximately 14 million vehicles in Mongolia’s registration database. By updating registration information, 2.5 million vehicles that have not undergone technical inspections, taxes and insurance in the past five years have been removed from the registration list. Therefore, there are currently approximately 11.8 million vehicles registered, of which approximately 4.7 million are registered locally and 6.5 million are registered in the capital.

The implementation of this RFID electronic authentication system will help monitor traffic flows, improve management efficiency, and promote citizen cooperation, marking Mongolia’s move towards a more advanced and convenient future in the field of traffic management.


Post time: Nov-20-2023